Meditation Basics and Beyond
This class is designed to help you improve your daily meditation practice or start a new practice. Meditation is the main tool that Buddhists use to make lasting positive changes in our minds and lives.
We begin by understanding the 5 stages of a qualified meditation practice that strengthen our meditation practice which allow us to gain insights more easily. We’ll also investigate ways to sustain our practice and learn how to occasionally stretch our spiritual muscle. We’ll learn the time tested way to reduce mental and physical suffering, while increasing the power of the mind to achieve greater peace and happiness. A trained mind is a happy mind.
“When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subside and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within.”
— Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Registration details
Cost $10/class (free for members)
Class dates: Thursdays, Oct. 3, 10 & 17
This is an in-person event with livestream attendance available for members!
Matt RolfsmeyerKadampa teacher
Matt Rolfsmeyer is a student on our Foundation Program and serves as gompa manager for KMC Madison. His teaching style highlights his dedication, his wish to benefit others, and his joyful sense of humor.