Our Teachers

Our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Dorje

Gen Kelsang Dorje is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Madison. Gen Dorje has been studying and practicing Buddhism for over 20 years under the guidance of his teacher Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Dorje is admired for his warmth and humor in making Buddha’s teachings relevant to the modern world. He is an inspiring example of how to integrate Buddha’s teachings into a joyful life.

KMC Madison Teachers

Debbie Loomis has been studying Kadampa Buddhism for several years and is a dedicated practitioner. Debbie teaches with warmth and kindness, sincerely wishing to help others become more peaceful and happy through developing their own confidence in the power of meditation.

Karen Miranda has been studying and teaching Kadampa Buddhism in the Quad Cities for several years. She is known for her kindness and dedication to flourishing dharma.

Elena Marre is beloved for her clear and heartfelt teachings and meditations.

Lowanna Mobley has been a longtime student of our Foundation Program (FP), where she also serves as our FP Monitor. She is known for her enthusiasm and loving nature, bringing humor and genuine insight to her teaching.

Matt Rolfsmeyer is a student on our Foundation Program and serves as gompa manager for KMC Madison. His teaching style highlights his dedication, his wish to benefit others, and his joyful sense of humor.

Dave Ropa studies on our Foundation Program and has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years. His explanations emphasize practical Kadampa Buddhist views, intentions, and simple meditation techniques we can immediately integrate into our busy lives. Dave is loved for his clear and practical teaching style.

Donna Sereda has been studying Kadampa Buddhism for many years. Her devotion shows in her teaching.