Heart Jewel

Heart Jewel practice includes special prayers and requests to our Spiritual Guide, Je Tsongkhapa combined with the condensed prayer to his Dharma Protector and a guided meditation on Lamrim (stages of the path to Enlightenment).

This is a wonderful opportunity to receive the blessings of Je Tsongkhapa, the protection of Dorje Shugden and deep familiarity with the 21 meditations that reveal the stages of the path to Enlightenment.

This puja includes two practices revealed by the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. The first is a special Guru yoga in which we visualize our Spiritual Guide as Je Tsongkhapa, who himself is a manifestation of Manjushri.

By relying upon this practice, we can purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. In this way, we will naturally accomplish all the realizations of the stages of the path of Sutra and Tantra and in particular we will attain a very special Dharma wisdom.

The second practice is a method for relying upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. Through this, we can overcome obstacles to our practice and create favourable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our Dharma realizations.

If we rely upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden sincerely, our faith in Je Tsongkhapa will naturally increase and we will easily gain experience of the pure Buddhadharma transmitted directly to Je Tsongkhapa by the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri.

These two practices are the very essence of the New Kadampa Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. If we practice them regularly and sincerely, we will reap a rich harvest of pure Dharma realizations, and eventually come to experience the supreme joy of full enlightenment.


Kadampa Meditation Center Madison
1825 S. Park St., Madison, WI


Tuesday November 5 2024


8:00 am - 9:00 am


KMC Madison
KMC Madison
1825 S Park St, Madison, WI