Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully
We are alive therefore we will die. This is the simplest most obvious truth. Contemplating our own mortality leads to a profoundly worry-free and happy life. By cutting through our worldy concerns the meditation on death quickly eliminates all our ordinary worries and anxieties.
In this workshop, Gen Kelsang Dorje will explain the meditation on death and how it destroys our uncontrolled desire, thereby leading us to an enjoyable and successful life.
Registration details
Cost: $20; members free (livestream available for members)
Hourly Schedule
Saturday, March 1
- 10 - 11am
- Session 1
- 11 - 11:30am
- Break and snacks
- 11:30am - 12:30pm
- Session 2
Gen Kelsang DorjeResident Teacher, KMC Madison
Gen Kelsang Dorje is the resident teacher at the Kadampa Meditation Center Madison. As the resident teacher Gen Dorje is responsible for teaching and leading meditation classes, retreats, and workshops at the center and in branch locations. He has received extensive training under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Dorje is known for his warmth and humor in making Buddha’s teachings relevant to our modern life. He is an inspiring example of how to integrate these teachings into a joyful life and is committed to helping people improve their daily lives through meditation and mindfulness.