WFJ with Tsog offering
Wishfulfilling Jewel with Food Offerings
This 90-minute practice generally is held on the 29th of each month. You may attend in person as a walk-in.
In the first part of this practice, we visualize Je Tsongkhapa and make prayers and requests to purify negativity, and accumulate merit. This prepares our mind for a period of silent meditation on the Lamrim, or stages of the path. The second part of this practice contains prayers to the wisdom Buddha and Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, to help us overcome obstacles to our practice.
Purchasing your own copy of the sadhana for this puja is not required, but your practice will be enhanced if you can follow along.
You may purchase the Wishfulfilling Jewel sadhana at this link.
This practice includes a food offering. Typically, people can bring a vegetarian food offering in person.
Kadampa Meditation Center Madison
1825 S. Park St., Madison, WI