Sunday class with MWDC

Our regular Meditations for World Peace class is taking a break April 6 for the Midwest Dharma Celebration… but if you love your Sunday Dharma Class, you still have options! The Midwest Dharma Celebration is a special celebration of blessed empowerments,...

UNPLUG! A Day of Silent Retreat

Unplug for a day of silence at Kadampa Meditation Center Madison and enjoy refreshing your body and mind with a guided meditation retreat. Discover the real freedom to be found in a calm and quiet mind; escape the busyness of daily life; gain a deeper level of...

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully

We are alive therefore we will die. This is the simplest most obvious truth. Contemplating our own mortality leads to a profoundly worry-free and happy life. By cutting through our worldy concerns the meditation on death quickly eliminates all our ordinary worries and...