Peace of Concentration
Nowadays, we have so many distractions that it is rare to enjoy even a few moments of mental peace. However, by learning how to train in concentration and what we can be concentrating on, we will be able to keep a peaceful, focused, flexible and open mind even during our busiest days. Please enjoy this Saturday workshop as we dive deeper into the power of concentration to heal our minds.
Guest teacher, Gen Kelsang Zamling, is resident teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center in Chicago. His practical and modern approach to ancient teachings helps us access the timeless wisdom of Buddha to create a new habit of peace in these distracting times. This workshop will open the door to us learning how we can develop our concentration which eventually leads us to an experience of permanent peace and joy. This workshop is suitable for all levels of meditation experience. Everyone Welcome!
Registration details
Cost: $20; free for members (livestream available for members)
Lunch is $10 additional (optional)
Hourly Schedule
Saturday, May 3
- 10 - 11:15am
- Session 1
- 11:15 - 11:45am
- Break
- 11:45am - 1pm
- Session 2
- 1 - 2pm
- Lunch break
- 2 - 3:30pm
- Session 3
Gen Kelsang ZamlingResident Teacher, KMC Chicago
Gen Zamling is a Buddhist monk and the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago. He is known for his practical approach, warmth, and clarity. Gen Zamling is well-loved by his students, and sets an immaculate example of someone who has taken Buddha’s teachings to heart.