Identifying Your Potential to Change 

What is our “pure potential”? It is our potential for the permanent peace of liberation and enlightenment – which is the limitless potential for peace, love, compassion, kindness, and happiness. Our essential nature, our Buddha nature, is pure gold. Indestructible and eternal, it is the ground in which we need to root our sense of self in order to flourish. This workshop is a stand alone class but it can be considered a preparation for the Kadampa International Fall Festival whether you are attending in person or online.

Each and every living being has within them the seed, or potential, to become a Buddha, a fully enlightened being – this is our Buddha nature. In Buddha’s teachings we have found the best method to ripen this seed, or potential.”
– Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, How to Transform Your Life

Everyone welcome!

Registration details

Cost $20 (free for members)

This is an in-person event with livestream attendance available for members!

Hourly Schedule

Saturday, Oct. 19

10 - 11:15am
Session 1
11:15 - 11:45am
11:45am - 1pm
Session 2


Saturday October 19 2024


10:00 am - 1:00 pm


$20 (free for members)

More Info



KMC Madison
KMC Madison
1825 S Park St, Madison, WI


  • Gen Kelsang Dorje
    Gen Kelsang Dorje
    Resident Teacher, KMC Madison

    Gen Kelsang Dorje is the resident teacher at the Kadampa Meditation Center Madison. As the resident teacher Gen Dorje is responsible for teaching and leading meditation classes, retreats, and workshops at the center and in branch locations. He has received extensive training under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. Gen Dorje is known for his warmth and humor in making Buddha’s teachings relevant to our modern life. He is an inspiring example of how to integrate these teachings into a joyful life and is committed to helping people improve their daily lives through meditation and mindfulness.